
She  Always an enigma, dwells in deep, dark currents  Emerging only on her own terms,  in her own time. . She ebbs and flows  Revealing then passing away glistening and basking on the shore for a time. . I feel her as she nears,  The warmth of her flame, Siren song beckoning.  . I cannot…


To my relief

she listened

And I dropped in..

Past the anger

Past the anguish 

Down, down, down

To the grief.

To the very bloodroot of things.

The Great Divide – A Tantric Perspective

Men and boys grow up in our culture walking on eggshells. The idea that masculinity is something to fear permeates the psyches of men and women alike.  To tend toward aggression, violence, domination, and exploitation, is almost expected of men. We expect them to be guilty before proven innocent. We expect them to ‘step up’ and ‘man up’. The effect of these unspoken assumptions is a heavy burden to bear.

Arnhem Land

Standing on a plateau in Arnhem land I shed cool and silent tears. My feet connected to the earth… with every cell of my being, I hear the whispers of generations. The Dreamtime is not some primitive fantasy It is a realm beyond our ignorance a portal beyond time. Weaving songlines cross the land and every…

Primal Scream

“I am more awake than I have ever been… yet reeling from the dream.”

An All Too Common Grace

Leaves fall to the ground So Precious Yet taken for granted… What a shame, what a shame.. it’s not just the breakdown of elements returning to soil… there is alchemy sublime in every instant of exchange the transition… the movement itself an invisible secret… the patterns of the past acknowledged, responded to and rearranged… informing…

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse ~ Avalon Darnesh

Holy shit. I’m having a smack in the face at the insanely unacceptable levels of abuse that women still suffer on our planet. I’m not finger pointing at men, because the whole culture is totally screwed up and it’s a domino effect. Those men were raised by women, and if those women were in their…

A Note to the Menfolk ~ from a former radical lesbian feminist

Written by Hellena Post Once upon a time I was a radical lesbian feminist.  I’d come to that position from having indifferent, dodgy, and invisible connections with men in my childhood, having been molested as a child, and probably partly being really pissed off that my dad had left me and died when I was 7. After…

Radical Self-Love

In 2011, just after New Year and in the blink of an eye – an entire life I had created with my husband of 11 years disappeared into the ether after a domestic violence incident. This was my second marriage and I was shocked. The life I had struggled and fought to create every moment…